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Water Supplier Spotlight - Water Plus
Water Plus was formed in 2016 as part of a joint venture between United Utilities & Severn Trent to create a market-leading water retailer. Prior to 2016 both wholesalers – United Utilities & Severn Trent – had been supplying water and wastewater services to over 360,000 businesses operating in the Midlands and the North West of England. Water Plus was created to service the deregulated English water market, as well as the Scottish Water market. The Scottish water market was deregulated on 1st April 2008 and the English Water market was deregulated on 1st April 2017.
On 1st April 2017, Water Plus became a completely separate company from its parent companies and was licensed by Ofwat to supply water and wastewater services to businesses in England and Scotland. The venture made Water Plus the largest water retailer in the UK. Water Plus’s head office is based in Stoke-on-Trent and they also have a satellite employee base in Glasgow.
Water Plus’s vision for the future is to give its customers the best service in the marketplace. They are achieving this by investing in new people that have been recruited for their high levels of customer service, in turn helping to reduce their call waiting times and increasing customer service levels. Water Plus has also retained water experts from Severn Trent and United Utilities, these are people that already understand how the business operates and they understand their customer needs.
Further investment in the business in areas such as technology has allowed Water Plus to increase the customer service levels that they provide to their customers. Innovate ideas such as their 24/7 online account allows businesses to manage their water bills, submit meter readings and pay for their business water rates online.
Water Plus works with businesses of all sizes across different sectors in England and Scotland, offering advice and technical efficiency services. Water Plus also offers a range of water retail services to businesses including billing, meter reading, account management, smart metering, new connections, and business water audits.
Water Plus has set a Net Zero ambition and Cleaner Climate Promise aiming to be net-zero across its scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 2025. In 2020 Water Plus supported tree-planting in schools and communities and they have started a new tree-planting partnership that supports peatland restoration, this helps toward the UK’s net-zero targets. In 2022 Water Plus will support the planting of a further 500 trees across the UK.
Water Plus also works with brokers and consultants in the market as well. Water brokers and consultants play an important part in the water retail market helping businesses compare business water suppliers and compare business water rates to find the best deal for their business. If you want to compare water prices for your business then use our business water comparison service to see what deals are available.
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How to contact Water Plus?
Tel: 0345 072 6072
Water Plus on Trustpilot:
Water Plus registered Address: Water Plus, South Court, Riverside Park, Campbell Road, Stoke-On-Trent, ST4 4DA, United Kingdom
If you wish to write to Water Plus then either contact them at or write them at Water Plus Correspondence, PO Box 337, Sheffield, S98 1BZ.
Water Plus Online Account
Water Plus’ Online Account allows you to pay your bills and view your previous bills online. You are also able to submit meter reads. In addition, the Water Plus Online Account allows you to notify Water Plus if you are moving or update your account details.
Water Plus Online Account Login: